MetLife's Income Matters: Spotlight on Institutional Income Annuities
Lifetime income is a topic of great interest these days. Between the rapid aging of baby-boomers and the evolving regulatory challenges plan sponsors face, lifetime income options are popping up in conversations around the country.

The Importance of Guaranteed Income in Retirement Planning is a great introductory piece to share with your plan participants that emphasizes the necessity of securing lifelong income.

We recently commissioned research conducted by Harris Poll to examine individuals' decision-making process and experience when it comes to choosing between guaranteed income payments or a one-time lump sum payment from a workplace retirement plan.

Contact a member of the MetLife team to learn more about MetLife's lifetime income options and how they could benefit both you and your employees.
  The Importance of Guaranteed Income in Retirement Planning

  1. MetLife’s Paycheck or Pot of Gold Study,SM 2017. Respondents include over 700 DB and DC plan participants.
2. U.S. Department of Labor, Top 10 Ways to Prepare For Retirement, 2015.

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